Americorps VISTA
The Wyoming Food Coalition is hiring - come work with us!
We are looking for an AmeriCorps vista member Starting in April 2025.
Position Description:
Our mission of striving to improve Wyoming's local food system by connecting stakeholders and amplifying their voices so that Wyoming producers, consumers, and environments thrive, is at the center of everything we do. Our VISTA Member will work closely with the Executive Director and the Communications Director (Staff Team), and the Board, to increase efficiency of Food Coalition operations and communications.
Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
collaboratively-developing and promoting a monthly, virtual, educational speaker series with the Staff Team;
data collection on membership and attending audiences at in-person events;
keeping the website up to date with relevant news and events weekly;
keeping the stakeholder and newsletter audience up to date weekly;
helping to design and edit a monthly newsletter highlighting working group activities;
helping to design, edit and post social media content weekly;
attending virtual working group meetings and working with chairs to accomplish working group-specific projects and tasks in between meetings;
attending in person events (must be willing and able to travel 4-6 times throughout the year) throughout the state and working with the Staff Team to help plan and implement these events to accomplish the organization’s goals.
Goal of the Overall VISTA Project: To promote, support and expand the production,
access and consumption of fresh, local food in Wyoming with an emphasis on people
living in poverty, vulnerable populations and the geographically isolated.
Objective of the Assignment:
Work with the Executive Director and Communications Director to implement the Wyoming Food Coalition’s strategic plan and support ongoing activities and projects that align with the Coalition’s mission, vision and values. Objectives and activities will include (but are not limited to):
Assist in creation of a public database of local food and food security resources
Identify and research existing food system databases that are available locally, state wide, regionally and nationally to support individuals, organizations and businesses involved in promoting local food production and consumption, and community resources for food insecure individuals.
Maintain and keep the Coalition website and databases up-to-date and accurate with current resources and opportunities such as agricultural employment and educational opportunities, farmers markets, food banks, community gardens, grant opportunities, and farm to school programs.
Facilitate intra-coalition communications
Manage calendar and zoom links for recurring Working Group (WG), Board and Executive Committee meetings.
Coordinate with Coalition WG to support communications and assist with specific projects, for example, written educational materials and outreach for events.
Create a streamlined process for communicating with WG and their membership to facilitate efficiency and communication.
Manage administrative emails, documents and minutes in google drive.
Lead public communications and outreach
Help manage website, social media and event outreach.
Promote monthly speaker series via social media and newsletter.
Organize monthly newsletter including upcoming events state-wide, WG updates and upcoming meetings.
Represent and set up informational booths at relevant in person events to promote WFC.
Create press releases and promote WFC on existing local and state media outlets.
Membership recruitment
Develop relationships and partnerships with community organizations, school districts, Farm to School activities, food producers, and food assistance programs across the state to increase the representation and number of stakeholders within the Coalition’s network.
Help maintain member database and assist in tracking membership metrics, needs, and interests.
In recruitment and relationship efforts, focus on vulnerable, marginalized, and low-income community members, communities with high rates of food insecurity, food producers, and other underrepresented food system stakeholders.
Report relationships and partners to WFC database to create lasting relationships
Plan Annual Coalition Conference
Work with Board of Directors and WG leaders to identify topics and speakers for Conference.
Set dates and schedule, confirm speakers and facilitators. Make arrangements for in-person meetings and travel and/or create zoom schedule.
Facilitate day-of activities.
In addition to objectives listed above, VISTA Volunteer will work with Executive Director and Communications Director to identify additional projects that encourage and facilitate the equitable access of fresh, local food to all Wyoming residents regardless of socioeconomic status. All work done by VISTA Volunteer will increase the capacity of the Wyoming Food Coalition to function as a statewide resource for food system stakeholders in order to increase access to healthy food for Wyoming citizens.
Description of VISTA Member initial training and daily supervision:
The VISTA Member will receive a standard new employee orientation to their site and to the Wyoming Food Coalition mission, goals, organizational systems and strategic plan. The VISTA Volunteer will be introduced to the Coalition board and working group chairs, and will be provided training and onboarding necessary for assigned duties managed by the Executive Director and Communications Director. The VISTA Member will be provided with office space, an in person supervisor, regular check ins, scheduled work sessions and time available for co-working. VISTA Volunteer will have the opportunity to visit sites of partner and member organizations of the Coalition. In addition to attending monthly Board meetings, the VISTA will meet quarterly with the Coalition Executive Committee to provide feedback and receive direction and support throughout their year of service.
VISTA Member and Executive Director will regularly consult the Coalition’s strategic plan, to track progress and align duties with the overarching goals of the Coalition.
Sustainability Plan:
-The Wyoming Food Coalition hired a Communications Director in 2025.
-The 2025 VISTA Volunteer will have the opportunity to overlap with the previous VISTA Volunteer during onboarding which will better support the new VISTA in their role and will allow for continuity in the Coalition’s work.
-The Executive Director, as a paid staff member, will be able to dedicate significant time to fundraising and sustainability of the organization.
-The Executive Director and Communications Director, as paid staff members, will be able to offer significant support to the 2025 VISTA Volunteer as they assist the Coalition and its Board in expanding offerings to Wyoming citizens and food systems stakeholders.
-In the future there is potential for an Americorps Member working in direct service to support Coalition work with direct applications to increase access to healthy food for Wyoming residents.