WFC 2024 Fall Conference Recap


"Thank you all for being present at the Wyoming Food Coalition Conference last week! It is so beneficial to be together with folks from different agencies and organizations in order to coordinate our efforts to connect more people in Wyoming to healthy local food." - Ian CW
"I wanted to circle back around and say a heartfelt thank you for all of your efforts at the 2024 Conference...we are so happy with the networking, education and takeaways from the weekend last month. It was an honor to be a part of the conference and spend time in the room with so many lovely and knowledgeable folks!" - Leif R.
"Thank you so much! We really enjoyed the weekend what a fantastic event you guys put together!" Celsie S.
"after the WFC conference in November, I felt really inspired to reinvigorate my work with the coalition in a more "boots on the ground" kind of way." - Alyssa W-D.