Commercial Targeted Grazing with Goats 101, January 28 @3pmET (details to come)
First Aid for Large and Small Ruminants, February 4 @3pmET (details to come)
Raising Dairy Sheep for Exceptional Milk, February 18 @1pmET
Federal Farming for Small Farmers, March 11 @3pmET (details to come)
Upselling those hard to move cuts, tips from a butcher, March 24 @1pm (details to come)
You can find all our past webinars on FACT's WEBSITE.
Here are the ones so far from this season.
How Living Green Algae Boosts Feed Quality and Livestock Health
The key to superior adaptation, performance and resilience: Epigenetics
Climate Loss and Grief: Building Understanding & Resilience
Getting your Farm Funded in 2024: Understanding FACT’s Fund-a-Farmer Grants
Farmer’s First Aid: AED’s and Bleeding Control
Advocating for Higher-Welfare Farming in the New Administration: What’s Next Post-Election?
Could it Happen Here? Preparing your farm, family and livestock for disaster
The Wild Side of Farming: Managing Habitats for Farm-Friendly Wildlife